Human needs Help?
- Doing hard work
- Explore an unknown and unreach location
- Do many task simultaneously
- In security and safety
- Need friends of his own
That’s why human need them
A robot is a mechanical or virtual artificial agent. It is usually a system, which, by its appearance or movements, made an activity that it has intent of its own.
a typical robot will have several of the following properties:
- can sense its environment, and manipulate or interact with things in it
- has some ability to make choices based on the environment, often using automatic control or a preprogrammed sequence
- is programmable
- moves with one or more axes of rotation or translation
- makes dexterous/skillfull coordinated movements
- appears to have intent or purpose
we can use them to do :
a. Help the process of surgery
b. Research Robot
c. Research robots :
d. Process Industry
e. As a helper, who knows you need a help
f. Or just having fun with them
Need a friend?
There are a lot of movies about robot :
a. Robots (Blue Sky Studio)
b. Transformer
c. I-Robot
d. Robocop
e. Terminator, etc
Robots Progress
- Sandia National Institute (USA) have built a 1/4 cubic inch and weighing less than an ounce mini robots, it is possibly the smallest autonomous robot ever created. Powered by three watch batteries, it rides on track wheels and consists of an 8K ROM processor, temperature sensor, and two motors that drive the wheels. Enhancements being considered include a miniature camera, microphone, communication device, and chemical micro-sensor.
- Honda engineers created ASIMO with 34 Degrees of Freedom that help it walk and perform tasks much like a human. One Degree of Freedom is the ability to move right and left or up and down. These degrees of freedom act much like human joints for optimum movement and flexibility.
Thank You
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